Ernie pearson raleigh

Ernie Pearson believes that experience, hard work and creative approaches lead to the best results for clients faced with new challenges and opportunities. Throughout his career, he has depended upon these foundations in building what has been rated by third party sources as one of the most successful economic development practices in the country.

Best Lawyers in America listed Ernie as one of only 28 lawyers in the country in the category of Economic Development in has been listed in this category every year since.

Southern Business and Development magazine has chosen him for several years as one of the top economic development lawyers in 18 southern states.

Ernie has unparalleled experience in economic development matters. His work with numerous local and regional economic development programs gives him an understanding of economic development from that side of the table.

That in-depth, varied experience makes it possible for Ernie to craft creative and successful solutions for companies expanding existing or locating new facilities that take into account all site selection needs and maximize incentive support.

This experience also benefits local and regional economic development efforts by leading them to creative cost effective approaches to economic development successes. He enjoys nothing more than time with his wife and whatever activities he can pursue with his five children.

That might just be time at home or taking advantage of local activities. But he particularly enjoys traveling to different places in the US and abroad. Ernie also allocates a significant amount of time in activities to which he is called by his faith.

For over 18 years he co-led a bible study class at Harnett Correctional Institute. When time allows he enjoys working with home improvement ministries.

Who could ask for more? In it, Helms noted that Ernie as one of the Triangle business people that she admires most. The story published on May 13th was entitled "Drowning under N. The Charlotte Business Journal reported "N. An excerpt:. In his role as President of the North Carolina Economic Developers Association, Ernie recently responded in a letter to the editor, to concerns raised about state incentives being used to support Corning, Inc.

In December , The Associated Press called on Ernie in reporting on a " megadeal that lured a Danish drug company to the state. Seasoned economic developer, Ernie Pearson shares the importance of creating local incentive structures that increase value to recruiting companies.

Pearson was then involved in the general practice of law in Raleigh, North Carolina from to In August , he accepted an appointment as the Chairman of the North Carolina Industrial Commission, and in this regard served as the chief judicial officer and manager of the agency which adjudicates workers compensation claims and tort claims against the State.

At the request of the Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Pearson accepted a new position as an Assistant Secretary at the Department of Commerce in January His duties initially focused on legislative relations during the term of the General Assembly in , after which he assumed duties managing the State's economic development programs.

He had management responsibilities for programs dealing with industrial recruitment and retention, international trade promotion, travel and tourism promotion, film industry recruitment and finance programs for industry. In addition to these management duties, he had special assignments in matters related to the promotion and marketing of the Global TransPark and the effort to privately site a hazardous waste incinerator in North Carolina. Pearson is admitted to practice in North Carolina and before the U.

Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and the U. Supreme Court.


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