San francisco stagehands union

While it can seem daunting, the vast majority of our current members have gained membership in this manner.

To aid in this, Local One has established a Replacement Room. A less common method for gaining membership is the much more difficult organizational effort. Local One is committed to bringing the legal protections that a union contract gives to any stagehand or technician that requests it. If you want to organize your nonunion employer, it will require that you have a firm belief in unionism, a passion for fairness and equity in your workplace and hope to secure a better life for you, your family and your co-workers.

There are many benefits and privileges available to Local One members. Eligible and enrolled members are also entitled to benefits provided by the Union Privilege and Union Plus programs available through the I. Member Resources.

Important Links. Job Opportunity- Chase Center. The Chase Center is currently accepting applications for Utility Positions. Skill Review Sessions open through Dec! Slots are open until December. American Rescue Plan Webinar. Please take advantage of this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the American Rescue Plan.

Backstage Art Aid. Behind the Scenes Mental Health Support. Facebook Feed. Join the Email List Fill out this form to subscribe to Local 16's blast emails. Contact Info I.

Click here to see which Local covers your craft in your area. When you and your coworkers join together to form a union, you have the right to negotiate with your employer as a group. All submissions are strictly confidential. By submitting this form, you agree to our privacy policy.

This page focuses on how to unionize in the United States. Click here to visit our Canadian website. Do you share common concerns about your jobs? Is your employer unwilling to discuss or rectify your concerns? If so, a union may help. A union organizer can help strategize and educate you and your coworkers about the process. Click here to reach out to one. In most private sector workplaces, U. When a majority of coworkers support joining together, workers typically sign confidential authorization cards to indicate their support.

Your employer may voluntarily recognize the union through a "card check" by a neutral third party. If your boss does not agree to a card check or voluntarily recognize the union, we will file a petition with the National Labor Relations Board NLRB to request a secret ballot union election. As workers from all corners of the entertainment industry, we are uniquely positioned and have the industry experience to win major gains on hours, continuous health coverage, and other important issues.

Required, transparent minimum base salaries. Negotiated pay raises. Holiday Pay. Moving from health care plan to health care plan? Having to buy health care yourself or lacking coverage? Health care moves with you from employer to employer, continuous coverage.


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