Washington state roadkill law

Before removing the wildlife, the individual shall, by telephone, notify the department or the Washington state patrol communications office, and shall provide his or her name, address, telephone number, and the description and location of the wildlife.

The individual may remove the wildlife for disposal only, and may not retain the wildlife for personal use or consumption. Other laws and rules may apply to the disposal, including rules of the department of health WAC Individuals salvaging and consuming this meat do so at their own risk.

The department makes no guarantee as to the fitness for consumption of deer or elk collected under a salvage permit. See food safety guidelines for game meat. An individual may not kill an injured or wounded animal for the purpose of salvage. Only a law enforcement officer or individuals or entities authorized by the department may euthanize an animal injured in a motor vehicle collision, whether or not the animal is taken for salvage.

Possession of wildlife in violation of subsection 4 is punishable under RCW Smaller fur bearing animals will require a fur tag if you plan on having them mounted or stuffed. When these are found, they should be reported to US Fish and Wildlife. In MN it is legal to possess road killed deer if you report it to a conservation officer or the County Sheriff and are supplied with a tag that must be kept with any meat.

You can obtain these dispositions by contacting a local agent, who typically will ask a few questions to make certain the animal was taken legally. Only road-killed deer may be possessed, and a permit must be obtained from a local or state law enforcement officer to possess it.

It can be possessed for consumption only and antler possession from such deer is not legal. Big game, such as bear and deer may be taken with a tag written up by a Law Enforcement officer.

Small mammals and birds would require a license through the DEC for possession. Migratory bird collection would also require a Federal license, in addition to the State license. A person who accidentally kills a wild turkey, deer or bear while operating a motor vehicle on a highway can take possession of the carcass and remove it from the scene of the accident if the carcass is first registered over the phone by DNR staff.

If the operator of the vehicle that killed the animal does not want the carcass, any other person can request a free tag for the carcass. Contact the Wisconsin DNR car killed registration line at to obtain the registration. A person who accidentally kills small game animals while operating a motor vehicle on a highway can take possession of the carcass without the need to obtain a tag only if:.

Each of the species are treated a little differently from the others. They are regulated by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and you would need to contact them about what you could possess. In order to pick up most roadkill, a permit needs to be obtained, especially for Big Game. Deer, Bighorn Sheep, Elk, Moose. For deer, a warden or other ND Law Enforcement Officer would be called, and a permit to possess tag could be issued. It is similar to a regular hunting tag, with a head and carcass tag included.

For furbearers and small game, the same process is followed, unless a person has a current hunting license for the game, and it is within the hunting season for that species. If that is the case, they can just pick it up. There are exceptions, such as for Mountain Lions, and some species that are not legal for Non-residents to possess, since their State may not have reciprocal licenses for our residents.

There are some smaller species that a Resident of North Dakota does not need a license to hunt. Non-residents would need the appropriate license to do so. In any case, it is not guaranteed that a permit would be issued because it is requested.

Each situation is evaluated on a case by case basis. According the WDFW, motorists on average strike and kill more than 3, deer and elk on state highways each year. Cope said the permit requirement will provide additional data about animal-vehicle collision locations, which could guide transportation planners in targeting safety improvements.

Idaho is more permissive than Washington in allowing roadkill salvage of not only deer and elk, but also black bear, mountain lion, wolves, moose, game birds, turkeys, raccoons, coyotes and hares. Like its neighbors, Idaho requires individuals to complete an online form to report the roadkill salvage. Search Query Show Search. Partner Stations. About Us. Our Staff.


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