Ambition new york jacket

She has more than delivered. And, consistent with her independent persona, she has not joined the gallery. Typically, her earlier work had a definite grandeur in its scale, bright, opaque colors, thick surfaces and opulent patterns. Her furnished installation pieces extended these paintings into three dimensions. Now Thomas had taken her style into new, less hedonistic territory. Each new work begins with a much-enlarged photograph of a seminude Black woman that ran in Jet magazine in the s and is titled with the month and year of its publication.

And each woman gets some privacy from the various photo-based images and patterns that Thomas collages to their bodies, like little shields.

Other times the compositions are reduced to lines of fastidiously applied sequins. The result is a kind of flattened Cubism whose architectural clarity and spareness has an in-process look. In many ways, including their transparency, these works implicate the viewer in more complex ways than before. This item can be sent to Germany , but the seller has not specified postage options.

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