Answer a few simple questions about your exposure history, vaccination status and symptoms, and you can filter testing sites by location. Walgreens is offering free, contactless COVID testing for patients age 3 and up at certain locations. The Tennessee government website has a map resource to help you locate facilities that will conduct COVID testing based on your location. You can filter results by free tests, walk-ins, drive-through tests and weekend or one-day testing. You can also go to arcgis.
This site aggregates information from local governments and healthcare providers to list operational testing sites. Enter your address, browse results and even filter with similar categories. Be advised that it accepts major medical insurance, however please be sure to check with your insurance provider to ensure that your individual plan is in-network with their providers. Same Day Health also offers self-pay and insurance-covered testing options as drive-throughs. Sign up for our emails to get updates and inspiration straight to your inbox.
Get Involved. Learn more about our mission by connecting with us. Thank you to our sponsors. All Rights Reserved. Every dollar you give helps provide at least 4 meals to families in need through Second Harvest. Buy a Home. Start a Business. Protect Our Families. Coffee Cultura. Cafe Rumba Roast. Read More. Go to Top. Yes No. Indeed Featured review The most useful review selected by Indeed. This is a very inclusive place to work where all staff are committed to a common mission and make a difference in the community.
I felt very supported my my colleagues and loved the families I got to work with every day. Was this review helpful? Report Share. Enjoyed working with the families and kids.
It involved a lot of traveling. It can be exhausting. But enjoyed meeting and helping families.