Her primary research interests focus on modeling dichotomous responses in educational and psychological measurement using advanced modern statistics, specifically, on developing and applying complex, yet efficient Bayesian hierarchical item response models. Prior to joining the university, Sheng was a Professor of Quantitative Methods at Southern Illinois University SIU , where she has taught graduate-level courses in educational measurement and statistics for fourteen years.
Harini Kumar is a Ph. D Candidate in Anthropology at the University of Chicago. Harini is currently pursuing her doctoral research on the lived experience of Muslims in South India, with a focus on Tamil Islamic traditions and practices, and how the complex relation between a religious and ethno-linguistic identity is articulated in the contemporary moment. Her interests also include ever-changing circuits of mobility, and the continuous flows of people, things, and ideas between South India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia.
The GSS collects data on contemporary American society in order to monitor and explain trends in opinions, attitudes and behaviors. After completion of the course, the student will be able to 1 differentiate, utilize and apply statistical description and inference to applied research in behavioral sciences or other disciplines, 2 understand and be able to utilize various forms of charts and plots useful for statistical description, 3 understand and utilize the concept of statistical error and sampling distribution, 4 use a statistical program e.
These specific goals and objectives will be reached through lab sessions, assigned homework problems, in-class quizzes and exams. Instructor: Kerry Ledoux, Department of Psychology.
This course introduces concepts and methods used in behavioral research. Topics include the nature of behavioral research, testing of research ideas, quantitative and qualitative techniques of data collection, artifacts in behavioral research, analyzing and interpreting research data, and ethical considerations in research.
Course description: This course overviews the way scientific surveys are conducted, the survey data structure, and common techniques to analyze survey data.
Students will explore the actual survey data using major surveys such as the General Social Survey and look for answers to their research question.
Students will learn where to find information about survey data sources and how to conduct analyses for their research project.
The course also introduces some online tools and statistical software. Instructor: Harini Kumar, Pd. D Candidate in Anthropology. June 13 — July 15, Mon, Wed, Fri am. This course is designed to provide students in the social sciences with a review of ethnographic research methods, exposure to major debates on ethnographic research, opportunities to try their hand at practicing fieldwork virtually, and feedback on a proposed study that employs ethnographic methods.
An emphasis will be placed on multimedia, digital, and virtual ethnography. Specifically, I know more about how to conduct future research properly, both technically and personally. Course Offerings Summer June 13 — August 15 Students participating in the week Summer Institute first enroll in a summer methodologies course.
Final course offerings and delivery methods will be announced in December. Course Credits Summer Quarter courses carries the equivalent credit of one full-length quarter-long course in the College at the University of Chicago.
Course description: This is an applied course for social scientists with little-to-no programming experience who wish to harness growing digital and computational resources. Learn more about the course from the instructor:.
This course: Is an approved elective in the Environmental and Urban Studies major and minor Is an approved elective in the Sociology major Satisfies the methods requirement in the Public Policy Studies major Is an approved elective in the Latin American and Caribbean Studies major. His research on international relations and quantitative methodology has been funded by the National Science Foundation and has appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, International Organization, World Politics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, and Political Analysis, among others.
Course Faculty. He is a political scientist with concentrations in American government, political methodology, and law and courts. Additionally, he has training and experience in data science, big data analytics, and policy evaluation.
She focuses on quantifying and distilling the structural determinants of health across different environments, tying political ecology models of public health with geocomputational methods and quasi-experimental policy evaluation techniques.
A in Writing from Roosevelt University, M. Kerry teaches the Topics in Behavioral and Social Sciences Relevant to Medicine course that introduces undergraduates interested in health professions to the importance of the social sciences to medicine.